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When is the Launch Date?

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Fun. Excitement. Thrill. Enthusiasm. Euphoria. Exhilaration. Anticipation. Eagerness. Jubilation. Exuberance. Zeal. Delight. Elation. Fervor. Joy. Rapture. Animation. Vivacity. Ecstasy. Ardor. Gusto. Glee. Zest. Liveliness. High spirits. Pep. Frenzy. Bliss. Radiance. Spark. Fire. Zealfulness

Fun. Excitement. Thrill. Enthusiasm. Euphoria. Exhilaration. Anticipation. Eagerness. Jubilation. Exuberance. Zeal. Delight. Elation. Fervor. Joy. Rapture. Animation. Vivacity. Ecstasy. Ardor. Gusto. Glee. Zest. Liveliness. High spirits. Pep. Frenzy. Bliss. Radiance. Spark. Fire. Zealfulness

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